Monday, March 7, 2011


at the beginning of the class Ms. Kozoriz show us a video and then we answered the questions in the booklet.

After that, we read p. 189-191 of the greem book and the problems 13,14,15
13. A 1325 kg car moving north at 27.0 m/s collides with a 2165 kg car moving east at 17.0 m/s. They stick together. draw a vector diagram of the collision.
14. A 6.0 kg object, A, moving at velocity 3.0 m/s collides with a 6.0 kg object, B, at rest. After collision, A moves off in a direction 40.0º to the left of its original direction. B moves off in a direction of 50.0ºto the right of A's original direction.
a. draw a vector diagram the momenta of the object A and B after collision.
b. what is the velocity of each object after the collision?
15. A stationary billiard ball, mass 0.17 kg is struck by an identical ball moving at 4.0 m/s. After the collision, the second ball moves of at 60.0º to the left of its original direction.The stationary ball moves off at 30.0º to the right of the second ball's original direction . What is the velocity of each ball after the collision?

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Really good job at describing what we did in class today. Thanks.