Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Sorry for the late post.

If you missed class last Thursday, we just went over the questions in the momemtum booklet. We went over on questions on page 9, 17, 21, and 22.

Page 9
1. 6.3 m/s
2. -249 m/s
3. -0.884 m/s
4. 2.5 m/s
5. 540 N

Page 15
15. C
16. C
17. D
18. B
19. A
20. C

Page 21
1. 1600N
2. 1.3x10-3 s
3. 6.7x103 N
4. 0.005 m/s in direction of 65kg skater
5. 8.8 m/s westward

Page 22
6. 81 m/s
7. 0.058 m/s
8. ?
9. ?

Answers are in sig. fig.

 A reminder to hand in test corrections.

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Thanks for posting. Late is better than never.