Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 17th, 2011

Hi Class, today we went over pages 42 and 43 in the pink Electric and Magnetic Fields booklet. The answers on page 42 are as follows:

1. PE decreases, KE increases.

2. Similarly, a force pushes the charge closer to the charged sphere. The work done in moving the test charge is the product of the average FORCE and the DISTANCE moved. W = F x d. This work INCREASES the PE of the test charge. If the test charge is released, it will be repelled and fly past the starting point. Its gain in KE at this point is EQUAL to its decrease in PE.

3. Electric PE/CHarge has the special name Electric POTENTIAL.

Since it is measured in volts it is commonly called VOLTAGE.

4. 1 Volt

5. 12 Joules

6. 5000 Volts

7. 5000 Volts

8. 5000 volts

9. 0.005 Joules


We also got and worked on a lab called Charges, Energy , Voltage. If you weren't there for the lab please go see Ms. Kozoriz for the lab sheet and complete the lab. The lab setup is on page 430 in the Green Textbook.

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