Monday, February 14, 2011


On Thursday we went over the Acceleration I & II worksheets, we were individually assigned a question from each to illustrate our answers on the board.
Well I'm not going to write down the answers because it will waste too much of my time; if you weren't there or chose to be negligent to not copy down the answers, then please get them from a classmate or try them on your own. They are not difficult. :P

On Friday, were assigned pages 95-103 to read on RELATIVE MOTION in the IRWIN PHYSICS TEXTBOOK. On page 103, concept questions were assigned 1-2.c. beneath the figure 3.38.
*NOTE, when the wind is blowing from the East, you are slightly moving West!
Of course many students signed out textbooks for the weekend. Did you borrow one? Please try return it before the test tomorrow! Oh, and good luck! Refer to Chemutai's post to assist you in deriving formula's from different types of Displacement-Time graphs!

The next person to scribe is JANNA KAMINSKY hehe


Ms K said...

Thanks for the update, but you forgot to name the next scribe!

troyala said...

fixed! :D

Ms K said...
