Friday, February 18, 2011

(continuation) static equilibrium problems

Today, we read lessons regarding frictional force, normal force and inclined planes from the textbook. There's an assignment on p. 196 numbers 1-4. Ms. K said that the we will a do lab on Tuesday about inclined planes.
We also answered the static equilibrium problems # 3-5.

**If you're given the mass of the object, solve first for the weight.
**Draw your triangle with its corresponding angles, then solve for the unknown side which is Ft(tensional force) in this case. Solve it by using trigonometric identies.

The next scribe is Sai


Ms K said...

Thanks for the post. You should also mention that the class read in the textbook information on frictional force, normal force, and inclined planes. Assignment was 1-4 on p.196
Also, the lab on inclined planes will be done on Tuesday.

CtC said...

ok i'll edit it now. haha