Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday-March 25 Working on Circular Motion Questions

In today's class, we went over the "Momentum and Projectile Motion Test". The answers were posted in the next post. Then, we had the whole class time to do the "green booklet" page 21 and questions 1-6 in the big text book, page 206.

Page 21

* We will be having a test after spring break*

Have a nice break.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday, March 24 -Working on Centripetal Force Lab

For today's physics class we continued on working on the Centripetal Force Lab. It seems as though most people finished gathering their data and started to answer This lab shows the relations between centripetal force and speed. After writing down the data from the lab procedures, we begin to answer the questions stated in the booklet. The accuracy of the data might produce a variety of different results for this lab, however they should all be relatively close. It is imperative to keep close attention to the lab beforehand so that answering the questions will be easier.The data of the graphs provided us with the information to conclude that there is a power relation between force, speed an speed squared. Even though the shape of the two graphs are different they both illustrate that there is a power relation between their variables.

Question 1 and 3 of the booklet tells us to graph our data, with force as our independent variable and speed or speed squared as our dependent variable.

Questions 2 and 4 asks us what the relationship between the two variables are. It is shown that speed and speed squared have a power relation to force.

Question asks how if the formula Fc = mv^2/r supports the data we have gathered from the experiment. Since both mass and radius does not change it is clear that the formula is supposed to support the gathered data.

Also we were supposed to work on page 17 and 18, with the answers posted on page 25
and pages 21 and 22. Finishing all of these would be good practice and also would be good so that there will be lessened homework during spring break. That is all I have to say for this scribe.

Wednesday March 23 2011 - Centripetal Force

In today's class, we were instructed to carry out our Centripetal Force labs. I'm unable to post any data which my partner and I received during the lab as we're suppose to perform the procedure on our own and also because the way the lab is performed may cause differences in data from group to group. I highly suggest that any of those who were unable to make it to class and could not do the lab, do their best to finish this particular one because it's fairly straight forward and easy to record and also very enjoyable. Another suggestion is that before going ahead with the lab, read it through and record the measurements you're using as they are important for calculations concerning time and speed. Also remember to look at the "Interpretation" questions on the next page as they will require the plotting of a graph and comprehension of the obtained data.

When carrying out the lab be sure to keep a constant distance with the stopper attached to the string. This is indicated by the alligator clip. Use that specific measurement for each time you go and change the number of washer. Be sure to record this measurement.

There's not much more I can say for this scribe but to just get the lab done and to finish the homework in the green booklets. It's almost spring break and I think everyone would like little or no homework for the break so do as much as possible.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Circular motion

During our class we red pages 141 - 142 on the green book about circular motion and answered page 14 on the green circular booklet. The answers on the fill in the blanks activity are in the list bellow as ordered.
  • Constant
  • Changing
  • Changing
  • Constant
  • Perpendicular
  • Tangent
  • Instantaneous velocity
  • Length
  • Direction
  • Radius
  • Center
  • Centripetal
  • Directly
  • Inversely
  • Second
  • Force
  • Centripetal force
  • Straight
  • Tangent
Next we answered page 7 Free-Body Exercise: Circular Motion (Attached), and the back of the book page 28 (Attached)
Answers are at the back of the booklet. (Attached)
Answers page 27

Page 28

After all the answering (and guessing) we red pages 3 - 5 (Describing Circular Motion and Centripetal Acceleration). On page 5 we derive a equation...
There is no lessons tomorrow because of the dance, so we are expected to answer pages 15, 16 and 20. Also we are going to talk about circular force on Wednesday this week and as Ms.K promise us we are watching the amusement park video also on Wednesday.

Jaryl to scribe for Tuesday

Friday, March 18, 2011

Projectile Motion continued

During today's class we went over the ivory booklet pages 10, 15,17,18,23, and 24.
On page 10: Tossed Ball Problem
The answers are as follows:
20 m/s
10 m/s
5 m/s
5 m/s
11.2 m/s
20.6 m/s
30.3 m/s

On page 15: Transparency 6-1 Worksheet
The Trajectory of a Projectile
1. the highest point of the projectile has the smallest magnitude because ate this point vertical velocity equals zero.
2. their the same in magnitude but different in directions.
3. their the same in magnitude and directions.

On page 17: Transparency 6-2 Worksheet
Vertical and Horizontal Projectiles
1. they are the same
2. they are the same
3. the horizontal motion does not affect the vertical motion
4. it is because of the vertical spacing between the ball's motion is changing
5. it's because the horizontal distance between the red ball's motion are the same

On page 18:
Projectile Motion I

On page 23:
Projectile Motion II

On page 24:
Chapter 7 Review

Don't forget that the "On Target" lab is due tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

projectile motion

For those who were not in class today.. we have discussed about Projectile Motion.

for your reference, just refer to the pics posted. :]

Test on Friday! :] to scribe is Marinhel S.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Physics Lab Worksheet ; On Target

For those who were not in class today we did our 'On Target' lab which can be found in your ivory booklet Projectile Motion page 19. We got into our groups and built a target launcher that would be able to fling a ping-pong ball a distance of 1 meter. We were able to use anything we could think of that would help us with this lab. Once we built our target launcher, we started to fill in our data tables. Although, it was kinda difficult, most of us groups got our data tables filled.
I think the next step would probably answer the 'Analyze' and 'Conclude and Apply'.

patrickd to scribe next.


Sorry for the late post.

If you missed class last Thursday, we just went over the questions in the momemtum booklet. We went over on questions on page 9, 17, 21, and 22.

Page 9
1. 6.3 m/s
2. -249 m/s
3. -0.884 m/s
4. 2.5 m/s
5. 540 N

Page 15
15. C
16. C
17. D
18. B
19. A
20. C

Page 21
1. 1600N
2. 1.3x10-3 s
3. 6.7x103 N
4. 0.005 m/s in direction of 65kg skater
5. 8.8 m/s westward

Page 22
6. 81 m/s
7. 0.058 m/s
8. ?
9. ?

Answers are in sig. fig.

 A reminder to hand in test corrections.

Monday, March 7, 2011


at the beginning of the class Ms. Kozoriz show us a video and then we answered the questions in the booklet.

After that, we read p. 189-191 of the greem book and the problems 13,14,15
13. A 1325 kg car moving north at 27.0 m/s collides with a 2165 kg car moving east at 17.0 m/s. They stick together. draw a vector diagram of the collision.
14. A 6.0 kg object, A, moving at velocity 3.0 m/s collides with a 6.0 kg object, B, at rest. After collision, A moves off in a direction 40.0º to the left of its original direction. B moves off in a direction of 50.0ºto the right of A's original direction.
a. draw a vector diagram the momenta of the object A and B after collision.
b. what is the velocity of each object after the collision?
15. A stationary billiard ball, mass 0.17 kg is struck by an identical ball moving at 4.0 m/s. After the collision, the second ball moves of at 60.0º to the left of its original direction.The stationary ball moves off at 30.0º to the right of the second ball's original direction . What is the velocity of each ball after the collision?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Impulse and Momentum

At the beginning of the class, we went over the answers for the worksheets assigned yesterday.
Here are the answers for those worksheets:

Page 6
1. twice
2. twice
3. the same as
4. a) the same
b) the same
c) the same
d) bug
e) the bug of course!

Page 15

Later in the class, we took down notes on how to derive the impuls
e-momentum equation from both the 2nd law and a graph.

This equation can be used to solve problems such as finding time and the force exerted.

Unit for impulse is N x S
Change in p is measured in
kg x m/s

We also took down notes on the different types of collisions.

*Remember, in an elastic collision, the objects do not stick together after the collision, but bounce off each other. In an inelastic collision, the objects stick together and move as one after the collision.

Remember to finish page 7, 8 and 16 in the booklet.

The next scribe is Sarika.