Friday, February 25, 2011

Dynamics Worksheet

Today, we did answer the dynamics worksheet. here are the answers for the dynamic worksheet and the questions itself.

The dynamics test will be on Monday, February 28, 2011

The next to scribe is goldenfalcon

Frictional Forces

ms. K gave us this sheet, titled Frictional Forces, we did answer the questions on it and the third and fourth images are the answer key...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Inclined Plane

Today, four groups answered the questions on page 196, 1 number per group. But only number 3 was solved on the white board. (Second image)
Ms. K also gave an example of a diagram about Forces acting on an inclined plane. (Third image)
We also answered the questions on page 18 of the booklet for Dynamics Unit. The answers are on the back of the booklet.

**We will do Lab experiment about inclined plane tomorrow

The next person to scribe is kun

Friday, February 18, 2011

(continuation) static equilibrium problems

Today, we read lessons regarding frictional force, normal force and inclined planes from the textbook. There's an assignment on p. 196 numbers 1-4. Ms. K said that the we will a do lab on Tuesday about inclined planes.
We also answered the static equilibrium problems # 3-5.

**If you're given the mass of the object, solve first for the weight.
**Draw your triangle with its corresponding angles, then solve for the unknown side which is Ft(tensional force) in this case. Solve it by using trigonometric identies.

The next scribe is Sai

Monday, February 14, 2011


On Thursday we went over the Acceleration I & II worksheets, we were individually assigned a question from each to illustrate our answers on the board.
Well I'm not going to write down the answers because it will waste too much of my time; if you weren't there or chose to be negligent to not copy down the answers, then please get them from a classmate or try them on your own. They are not difficult. :P

On Friday, were assigned pages 95-103 to read on RELATIVE MOTION in the IRWIN PHYSICS TEXTBOOK. On page 103, concept questions were assigned 1-2.c. beneath the figure 3.38.
*NOTE, when the wind is blowing from the East, you are slightly moving West!
Of course many students signed out textbooks for the weekend. Did you borrow one? Please try return it before the test tomorrow! Oh, and good luck! Refer to Chemutai's post to assist you in deriving formula's from different types of Displacement-Time graphs!

The next person to scribe is JANNA KAMINSKY hehe

Relative Motion Answers

Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 9, 2011

Hey grade 12's, excuse my late post, I had trouble logging onto the student web mail on the Daniel Mac website.

During yesterday's class we discussed deriving formulas from position-time graphs. There is 2 types of graphs where you can derive equations from.

Graph 1:

This graph has a linear relationship and only focuses on one velocity meaning the velocity is constant. We use the equation v=d/t for this graph.

Graph 2:

This graph has a power relationship because it focuses on more than one velocity meaning the velocity is changing.

The formulas we derive in class are coming from the power relationships.

If given a graph like this, you can derive equations from it.
First find the area of the red rectangle, the formula for finding the area is (length)(width) which in this case is (velocity)(time).
Second find the area of the blue triangle, the formula for that is 1/2(base)(height) which in this case the base is acceleration and the height is (time)2
After completing that, you add the two together,
d = v1t + (1/2)at2 and you got your displacement formula!

**PLEASE REMEMBER** If given a question that starts off with something like this: An object starts at rest and it reaches a certain speed, it has two velocities not one. So don't use the formula v=d/t!!

You need to know how to derive equations from the graphs, so please read your notes or ask others or Ms K. for help if you don't understand! We also corrected the worksheet that we were given to on Monday, we also received a Study Guide and two other worksheets on Acceleration.

Next scribe is THOMAS, his post should be posted later on tonight. :)

Scribe List

This is The Scribe List. Every possible scribe in our class is listed here. This list will be updated every day. If you see someone's name crossed off on this list then you CANNOT choose them as the scribe for the next class.

Yao Ting



This post can be quickly accessed from the [Links] list over there on the right hand sidebar. Check here before you choose a scribe for tomorrow's class when it is your turn to do so.